

Evangelist Finegirl Jesus is a woman of God, an evangelist that God Called from her mother womb, She started from caring from widows and orphans when she was coming from her tender age, that things that have to do with them border her so much because she is an orphan trained by a woman she did not know. She started working selling ice-cream which she was used to help orphan & widows. During her Youth Corps Service she gather her monthly allowance which she use to get an apartment for the Orphans which she had up to forty (40) orphans under her care. Evangelist Finegirl Jesus derive joy in giving and taking care of orphans & widows which is the main purpose that God call her for, she is a woman of God, an international preacher and deliverance minister. She goes round cites looking for orphans, widows and less-privilege that needs help, she also engage in free medical outreaches to rural communities. Evangelist Finegirl Jesus received the Divine call to give “bundle of joy” to orphans, abused, abandoned and less privilege children in our society . Her passion is to love and care for humanity dates back from her childhood. Though, she was not born with golden spoon, but growing up as a teenager she often share the little she had with people, orphans, less-privilege and widows around her.

She started working selling ice-cream which she was used to help orphan & widows. During her Youth Corps Service she gather her monthly allowance which she use to get an apartment for the Orphans which she had up to forty (40) orphans under her care.

Jesus Orphanage & Widows Home is a duly registered with Corporate Affairs Commission Federal Republic of Nigeria with registration number CAC/IT/NO67936, Rivers State Child Welfare and also a member of , as a non-governmental organization and non-profit making agency and a philanthropic organization with the primary aim of catering for the orphans, widows, destitute and less privileged around the nation. In obedience to this clarion call and the overwhelming population of orphans by either natural cause of parent's death or due to HIV/AIDS scourge, the alarming emergence of juvenile delinquency among the orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Nigeria culminated to the establishment of JESUS ORPHANS & WIDOWS HOMES in 2014.

With great urgency in response to the widows, helpless and orphans living in utmost poverty, abandoned children, destitute, neglected children, victims of cruelty, physical psychological and sexually abused are carefully selected and admitted into home, under the custody of trained staff. We also carry out monthly widows outreaches within and outside the locality, thereby extending a helping hand to them to alleviate their suffering. We have regular visits and donation of gift items from various individuals, groups, families and corporate organizations, while others come to celebrate their birthdays and special events with the children at the home.We all know that the well-being of children is very important for the progress of every nation. We therefore call on everyone (Individuals, Groups, Families, Organization etc) to support and partner with us in different ways to help ease the burden, the pain of the afflicted and to show some love to these children and to the less privilege in the society.

Evangelist Finegirl Jesus has a Divine mission to care, cater and give to the less privileged/disadvantages children and destitute such as widow`s children, orphans, motherless children, street children and aged people in the society.
